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Download Enemy Flying Saucer | HTML5 Construct Game HTML5 Free
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Download Enemy Flying Saucer | HTML5 Construct Game HTML5 Free. Control an alien flying saucer and destroy enemies with a powerful cannon. Automatically adaptable digital buttons, playable on mobile, PC, tablet, etc. Aim and shoot at enemy UFOs, collect items, ...


  • Category HTML5
  • Product Price $9 USD
Download Enemy Flying Saucer | HTML5 Construct Game HTML5 Free
Control an alien flying saucer and destroy enemies with a powerful cannon. Automatically adaptable digital buttons, playable on mobile, PC, tablet, etc. Aim and shoot at enemy UFOs, collect items, and avoid enemy shots to score points.Features• Full game ready to be included on your website• Resolution full HD 1920px × 1080px• Screen orientation in landscape• Touch mobile, keyboard, and mouse controls• Digital buttons to play by touching the screen (automatically detects)• Best scoring system with local save data• Endless gameplay to get score• Procedural difficulty (it doesn’t become impossible)• Unique graphics, totally made for this gameFramework• Compatible with Construct 2 and Construct 3• Easy to add or reskin images and sounds• In C3 you can quickly generate a mobile app• AdMob supported (not included in code)• Without third-party plugins external to Construct• Optimized with 91 commented events• Developed on Construct 2, personal licenseFiles included? Source code (editable .capx and .c3p files)? HTML5 folder (compatible with all popular browsers)? PNG graphics, text fonts, and sounds (free for use)? Documentation (help file) For support or any questions, feel free to contact me.Thanks! ? Show More Show Less
Download Enemy Flying Saucer | HTML5 Construct Game HTML5 Free
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